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Watch TV Everywhere

Sign up today! Follow these easy steps to start watching:

  1. Go to www.wtve.net
  2. Select Skitter TV – Galva as your TV provider.
  3. Click “register” from the menu across the top of the page to set up your free account.
  4. Enter your 10 digit phone number (i.e. 4022455445) from your Skitter TV statement as Account Number, and enter the LAST name of the Skitter TV account holder.
  5. Enter Verification Code (This is the number that is displayed to the right of the Verification Code field.)
  6. Complete the rest of the form, then click “Register” at the bottom of the form.
  7. Check your email for the validation message from WatchTVEverywhere, and click on the validation link in the email.
  8. Congratulations! You’re ready to WatchTVEverywhere! Just log in to see what networks are available to watch on your computer, tablet, or smart phone.


Watch TV Everywhere
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